Baby Orca

What are referred to as Southern Resident Orca live in the Salish Sea, an inland sea between Washington State and British Columbia. The Southern Resident Orca are an endangered species. Since 2015, there has been just one birth that produced a calf who has survived to juvenile age. The low survival rate is due to toxic pollution, noise and disturbance from boat traffic and starvation because the main food source (Chinook Salmon), has been greatly reduced.

This sculpture represents that one surviving baby orca.

Cast in Argentium Silver with inset diamond eyes. Argentium is a modern brand of tarnish-resistant 96% silver which replaces the copper in sterling silver with the metalloid germanium. The stand is fossilized Mastodon Ivory found in Northern British Columbia. The base is of tropical quarter sawn African Sapele Wood with corner inlays of Fraser Valley, British Columbia white maple. The wood is finished with many hand-rubbed coats of Chinese Tung Oil. So as not to produce a “ghost” image, the mirror is a “Front Surface Mirror” finished with polished aluminum.


2.75” H x 4” W x 4” D | $850 US


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