Back Flip Orca
Back Flip Orca is dancing for joy with a smile on his face! Every sculpture, painting or print I have ever seen of an Orca, has portrayed the Orca’s body arched in the opposite direction to what you see here. In reality, it is impossible for an Orca to bend over backwards as I have depicted. I was delighted with the outcome of this artistic license, and I’m pleased with the negative shape created in the center of the sculpture.
Truly one of a kind, sculpted from Chlorite mined in the Kootenay Mountains in Southeastern British Columbia, near the Alberta border. The base is Quartz Crystal from the Miller Mountain Mine in Arkansas, USA.
9” H x 12” W x 8” D | SOLD
Battle of The Orca & Thunderbird | Octopus Teacher | Peregrine Falcon Emerge from The Void | Self Portrait Bust | Jonah and the Great Whale | Angel of the Lord | Ball Python Twins | Two Headed Bird | Back Flip Orca | Tree Frog | Stylized Angel Fish | Enoplosus Armatus | Baby Orca | Surfing Seal | Jonah and the Great Fish | The Raven | Boy who became an Eagle | Brujo and His Ally | Peace Pipe | Stó:lō Style First Nations Drum | Grizzly Bear Paw Drum | Nebula | The Kiss | We Are All in This Together | I Can’t Hear You | Salmon | The Traveler | Battle of the North and South Winds | Applause