Boy Who Became an Eagle

Based on Navajo mythology regarding a boy who turned into an eagle and learned to fly. Superbly crafted from white translucent Marble purchased in Greece, and hand cut and polished Plexiglas. Inset eyes are from Mussel Shell found on a beach on Vancouver Island, Canada. The “Magic Necklace” was manufactured from handmade beads (no power tools) using turquoise and jet stone purchased near Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U.S.A.


8” H x 5” W x 8” D | SOLD


Battle of The Orca & Thunderbird | Octopus Teacher | Peregrine Falcon Emerge from The Void | Self Portrait BustJonah and the Great WhaleAngel of the LordBall Python TwinsTwo Headed BirdBack Flip OrcaTree FrogStylized Angel Fish | Enoplosus Armatus | Baby OrcaSurfing Seal | Jonah and the Great Fish | The Raven | Boy who became an EagleBrujo and His AllyPeace Pipe | Stó:lō Style First Nations Drum | Grizzly Bear Paw Drum | Nebula | The Kiss | We Are All in This Together | I Can’t Hear You  | Salmon | The Traveler | Battle of the North and South Winds | Applause