I Can’t Hear You
Created from Molten glass that was colored, fumed, cast, annealed, cut with a diamond water saw, water wheel ground with abrasives and finely polished with cork and water. The base is painted Canadian Spruce wood topped with white Plexiglas.
I can create a custom glass sculpture for you, or if you are interested in purchasing any other art on this website, please contact me
9” H x 11” W x 12” D | SOLD
Battle of The Orca & Thunderbird | Octopus Teacher | Peregrine Falcon Emerge from The Void | Self Portrait Bust | Jonah and the Great Whale | Angel of the Lord | Ball Python Twins | Two Headed Bird | Back Flip Orca | Tree Frog | Stylized Angel Fish | Enoplosus Armatus | Baby Orca | Surfing Seal | Jonah and the Great Fish | The Raven | Boy who became an Eagle | Brujo and His Ally | Peace Pipe | Stó:lō Style First Nations Drum | Grizzly Bear Paw Drum | Nebula | The Kiss | We Are All in This Together | I Can’t Hear You | Salmon | The Traveler | Battle of the North and South Winds | Applause