Octopus Teacher


Accepted for the 2024 Artists for Conservation International Exhibition and Tour.

Artists for conservation literature states it “…spans five continents and twenty-seven countries and is comprised of some of the world’s most gifted nature and wildlife artists.


While watching a documentary about octopuses, I thought, “These animals are so intelligent and amazing; I must make a sculpture of one!” Seeing a beautiful photograph of an octopus in a position similar to what you see in this sculpture, I picked out a stone. I didn’t realize the stone was semi-translucent until I washed it, and noticed sunlight shining through the edges.

Sculpted in Lime-Green-Stone from India, the eyes are carved from Fiber-Optic Glass and the base is a unique piece of Canadian Bigleaf Maplewood. I don’t use power tools, and frequently make my own tools to perform specific tasks.


6” H x 10.25” W x 11.25” D | $1,950 US


Battle of The Orca & Thunderbird | Octopus Teacher | Peregrine Falcon Emerge from The Void | Self Portrait BustJonah and the Great WhaleAngel of the LordBall Python TwinsTwo Headed BirdBack Flip OrcaTree FrogStylized Angel Fish | Enoplosus Armatus | Baby OrcaSurfing Seal | Jonah and the Great Fish | The RavenBoy who became an EagleBrujo and His AllyPeace Pipe | Stó:lō Style First Nations Drum | Nebula | The Kiss | We Are All in This Together | I Can’t Hear You  | Salmon | The Traveler | Battle of the North and South Winds | Applause